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Mesh Cat Harness

If your cat loves going for walkies this harness is perfect to protect it from being strangled should a dog jump out and make it take fright. I believe these are very useful however we could never get our cats to take to it. A good idea in principle.

Designer Cat Carrier

Finally, a cat carrier that doesn’t take up a heap of storage space when it is only used for that two yearly visit to the vet. Cart your precious moggy around in style, just like a baby carrier only better.

Cat in a Bottle

The perfect gift for the cat lover who likes a tipple, guaranteeing this fun bottle stopper will not sit in the drawer getting manky. Unless of course your cat lover friend never likes to see a bottle put away with wine still in it.

Cat Butt Coloring In Book

A perfect gift for your most unfavorite relative’s young child’s birthday. They will surely love you as you encourage the creativity in their offspring. Truly you are doing them a favor, and the child too, as you appeal to the potty humor so common in the young.

Biscuit Tin for Cat Treats?

People eat cookies, but can cats eat cookies? I’m sure they can, but someone needs to come up with some kitty-specific flavors. Codfish and liver? Pigeon and Beef? Catnip and catnip?

Cool Cat Fountain

Your cat can get mighty thirsty after a day of trolling the streets of your neighbourhood: picking fights, accepting free food from old ladies or getting the love and attention from another. Your feline friend will surely come home to what looks like used rice cooker that shoots water. Yum!

How to Talk to Your Cat about Gun Safety

Life is tough for your cat these days. There’s cars to dodge, and cat-haters to avoid. Now we also must tell them the dangers of playing with guns. Written in a simple Q&A format, this book “How to Talk to Your Cat about Gun Safety” answers crucial questions such as, “What is the right age to talk to my cat about the proper use of firearms?” and “What are the benefits of my cat living a lifestyle of abstinence?” and especially “Why does my cat need to use the internet? Can’t he just play with yarn like cats used to do?”